THE FIRST THOUSAND WORDS, Heather Amery and Stephen Cartwright

Judul/Title: The First Thousand Words
Penulis/Author: Heather Amery and Stephen Cartwright
Penerbit/Publisher: Bookclub Associates
Edisi/Edition: 1979
Halaman/Pages: 63
Dimensi/Dimension: 23 x 32 x 1cm
Sampul/Cover: Hardcover
Bahasa/Language: English
Kategori/Category: Dijual/For Sale
Harga Jual/Price: Rp. 98.000
Call No.: 032/Ame/f/C.1
Status: Ada/Available


The First Thousand Words is a treasury of opportunities for learning for children of a wide range of ages.
At its easiest level, it is a fascinating talk-about book for beggining talkers. It will encourage very young children to look, think and talk. They will enjoy the amusing situations, the things to look for and lauugh about.

As a word book for beginning readers, young children can be introduced to the printed words and, with help and encoouragement, will soon be able to match some words with the pictures.
Older children will be able to use this book as a source of ideas, for creative writing, new words and spellings.

The list of all the words in the book is in alphabetical order. This can be used to encourage children to look up words and then find the appropriate page and picture. This is a useful skill and will help children to use simple information books and dictionaries.
This book will also provide many hours of tremendous fun, with its enormously detailed and humorous pictures by Stephen Carthwright.

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