INDONESIAN MIGRANT DOMESTIC WORKERS: Their Vulnerabilities and New Initiative for The Protection of Their Rights

Judul/Title: Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers
Penulis/Author: Komnas Perempuan (National Commission on Violence against Women) dan Solidaritas Perempuan (CARAM Indonesia)
Penerbit/Publisher: Ford Fondation and DGIS
Edisi/Edition: 2003
Halaman/Pages: 67
Dimensi/Dimension: 15 x 22 x 0.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Paperback
Bahasa/Language: Inggris
Kategori/Category: Dijual
Harga Jual/Sale Price: Rp. 50.000,-
Call No.: 331/Kom/i/C.1
Status: Ada/Available


Since 2002, several Indonesian civil society organisastions (CSOs) have been engaged in annual consultation with the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights of Migrants organised by CARAM-Asia. At least year's consultations, a report in the situation of Indonesian migrant workers entitled "Indonesian Migrant Workers: Systematic Abuse at Home and Abroad" was submitted. At the 2003 annual consultations a report on Indonesian migrant domestic workers were presented. Migrants domestic workers include domestic workers who migrate from village to big towns and cities within Indonesia, as well as domestic workers who cross borders into other countries.

The main information in this year's report was collected from data available by migrant worker organisations such as FOBMI, SBMI Blitar, SBMI Cianjur, SBMI East Java, SBMI Karawang, and SBMI Salatiga, among others; a domestic worker union, Serikat Pekerja Rumah Tangga; Non Government Organisations (NGOs) such as Gema Perempuan Jakarta, LBH Apik Jakarta, LBH Apik Pontianak, LBH Jakarta, LBH Ujung Pandang, LSPS Jogjakarta, Perkumpulan Panca Karsa NTB, Perserikatan Solidaritas Perempuan, SP Deli Serdang, Rumpun Tjut Nyak Dien, and Yayasan Kusuma Buana, among others; and network organisations, including Jaringan Advokasi Anak or Childern Advocacy Network, KOPBUMI, and Women's Movement for the Protection of Migrant Worker Rights or GPPBM.

Two national consultation workshops were held for stakeholders to brainstorm, gather information, present report drafts, collect updated information, in order to finalise the 2003 Country Reports to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants. The reports was also supported by data from the Sukanto Police Central Hospital in Jakarta, migrant domestic Recruitment agencies, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan), and Covention Watch.

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